St. James Times had the unique privilege to sit with Mrs. Cancia Throne-Phillip, administrator and Principal of Cancia's Mother Nurture Children's International Center in St. James. Cancia warmly welcomed St. James Times into her Center to show the inner workings. Cancia's Children's Center provides day-care, early childhood education and after school education services for enrolled students (3mos - 5 years) as well as outside un-enrolled children (all ages).
Cancia, has a background in teaching at the Deigo Martin Early Childhood Center as well as at the Mount Kilimanjaro Pre-School. She has been apart of the child care/pre-school business since 1982 and knows the value in providing excellent teaching to today's children. Cancia's staff of 6 (six) includes pre-school teachers and a resident nurse,as a staff all contribute a welcoming environment for all the children. One of Cancia's foundations is the inclusion of spiritual influence. Spiritual music played while the teachers and children went about their daily routines and there was a sense of well being amongst the staff and the children. Cancia's excerpt from Proverbs 22:16 "train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it" we at St. James Times believes is the answer to the proper development of all our young people today.
In talking with Cancia the inevitable question of funding arose. Her response, increased governmental assistance. What this increased assistance would do is prevent Cancias from turning away students whose financial capabilities are compromised. The Ministry of Education has set a minimum requirement for all centers. This includes playground equipment and at present their supply of such is not sufficient. If the children are to have a well balanced foundation they need a place to develop sharing and team work fundamentals. Center outreach community activities has proven to be a valuable asset, this and corporate contributions once solicited can provide the Center with much needed equipment.
There are 30 daycare centers in St. James alone. This to our minds shows that there is a need for this service. Hopefully there is regulation that controls the proliferation of these daycares in an effort to prevent over saturation which could lead to a lowering of standards in the industry. Cancia's Mother Nurture Children's International Center is a cut above the rest. It was indeed good to see the bright and responsive faces of the children eager to learn in surroundings that were designed to encourage a nurturing and caring environment. It is also an environment of preparation for their first steps in formal education.
St. James Times wishes Cancias and staff our blessings and hopes that they continue to enrich the lives of all the children that attend the Mother Nurture International Center.