Harlequins & Pierrots - Brooklyn J'ouvert 2012
It is a never-ending love story...
Harlequin steals Columbine away from Pierrot, whose heart is perpetually sad. The scene moves from Paris to Venice, city of canals and romance, where Columbine seeks refuge and time to decide wh oher ultimate lover will be.
J'ouvert morning 2012 NYC and the festivities have begun! Labor Day celebrations in NYC has a history of being one fo the best ethnic festivals that occurs in North America. St. James Times had the best opportunity to be a part of this years J'ouvert celebrations.
From our vantage point this years' production would be a winner again! Roy Pierre, who has roots in St. James and maintains his ties to the community has proven once again that he is a master at his craft.
A picture tells a thousand words but Roy Pierres production this year is by far one of the best he has ever done. To all those who witnessed the Jouvert morning mas the word is it was a winner! Kudos to Mr. Pierre and Gods blessings, health and strength to you and your associates.