Saturday, November 20, 2010

We Living With Doubts ; By: Merlin Mannette

Inspirations By Merlin Mannette
“We Living with Doubts”

We Living a lie, and I wonder why
Sometimes, sometimes I does cry, oh me, oh my –
We talk about unity, about integrity
About transparency, which I don’t see
We aspire to achieve, what we don’t really believe
Actions speak louder than words, we have all heard –
Yet I see segregation, I see discrimination
Too much separation and increased desperation
These things we could live without, but
We Living in and Living with Doubts—
© 2010

Reflections of WEBEAT 2K10

St. James Honours a NEW Icon

St. James Times had the opportunity to interview a new St. James Icon who received a National Award. The Independence Awards that accompanies our celebrations of nationhood had special significance to the people of St. James this 2010 year. Ms. Cynthia M. Toney was awarded the Medal of Merit (bronze) for public service. Ms. Toney, no stranger to high awards (awarded the Golden Poui 1994 by the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago), displayed the proverbial 'cool as a cucumber' as the interview progressed.

Ms. Toney’s award was for public service all well deserved, but her passion is scouting. She indicates that her 'boys' are the inspiration for what she does. Her love of children and adherence to the rules of discipline is evident as she speaks about camping and encouraging respect with good attitudes in both scouts and parents. Strength and honour, two important elements in building good citizens and integral to scouting flows from Ms. Toney. She sets herself as an example to her subordinates and encourages proper leadership. Forty (40) years of scouting has revealed its rewards. Ms. Toney thanks God for the recognition of her work and was happy to see such good work rewarded. Her future is bright. She sees herself continuing on the road of scouting the by-product of which has enriched lives and greater value to the general public.

St. James Times and by extension the St. James community wishes to congratulate Ms. Cynthia M. Toney on her achievement! She has been added to the ranks of St. Jamesanians whose accomplishments serve to demonstrate the quality of talent that abounds in our community. God’s blessings and continue the good work.

St. James Celebrates Newest Member of Nineties Club

On Sunday Evening St. James Times was invited to spend some time with Gertrude “Hetty” John. Hetty turned Ninety and was celebrated by friends and family at the family home. Hetty has joined an elite group that has increased the ‘rolls’ of St. James’ Super Senior Citizens. Hettys’ Daughter Angela explained that ‘Mammy’ was getting on in age but still has the vitality for life. Well, Hetty is at the top of her Game now and time is now spent reflecting and just being alive. St. James wishes to Congratulate Ms. Hetty John on her Birthday and may God’s Blessings be with her always.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Is It (The St. James Youth Facility) Ready Yet?

The construction of this magnificent building that is fast becoming an ' elephant ' does no justice to the rationale that gave birth to such a brilliant concept. The Nations’ Youth are hungry for institutions such as the ' Centre ' which can make a difference in their lives. Those on whom the responsibility falls to fulfill their promise should be aware that delaying only increases the possibilities of Young Adults becoming attracted to negative influences. The immediate catchement area for this Facility is of a sizeable proportion. At the last observation by this writer and from conversations with area residents, it appears that the impatience of the youth is winning over and they have started entering the compound in an attempt to use the facility. There can only be negatives from these actions: vandalization, and the chance of property damage are the results of these actions. Considerable monies were spent by the Government to erect this building and the general ' theory ' that prevails of government philosophy is, Government must get as much Bang for their Buck then in this case the Bang should be heard nationwide. St James Times shares the impatience of the Youth and is calling for the speedy opening of this facility. There need not be any grandiose affair because there is little benefit in ' glamour ' in instances such as this. The Centre must be outfitted and made ready for utilization 'post haste'.

St. James J'Ouvert Jam 'Post' Observations and a Radical Approach to an 'Old Problem'.

J’Ouvert celebrations in St. James this year were marred by the 'virus' that now infects our nation, a total disrespect for law, order and common civility.

The disruptions that occurred J'Ouvert morning was by the hands of a minority and is in no way reflective of the majority of celebrants. We at St. James Times are of the opinion that even to the most lawless of society they (the lawless) see the need for law and order. How then are we to nurture and see to maturity our (St. James) contribution to the National Carnival celebrations? Ours must be a clean and incident free J'Ouvert.

In the two (2) weeks prior to Carnival Monday and Tuesday the ' hub' of activity in St. James is centered between Vidale Street and Bournes Road. The approach of Carnival Monday and by extension J'Ouvert Morning brings with it a heavy crowd presence and this crowd gains its fuel from the gigantic music systems lining the Streets. We now have a problem! The Crowd that gathers legitimate as they may be is a deterrent to those 'Bands' wishing to 'revel’ the Western Main Road. As a consequence the competition St. James J'Ouvert Jam becomes adversely affected.

A number of proposals have been proposed as viable solutions to this situation but it is only one that though radical in nature seems workable. The proposed solution to this situation is, at the commencement of the National Carnival celebrations - 4 A.M. Monday Morning there should be a cessation of all sidewalk music until the J'Ouvert period ends. This is a new approach (though being applied at the international Carnival Celebrations) St. James Times believes that it has potential and invites discussions among all stakeholders.

The stakeholders in St. James the Business Community, the St. James Working Council, CIC, and MANGEN and others are vying for the rights to have St James declared an Official Judging Point for the Carnival Season. The benefit that these developments can bring to the region is far reaching. If we are united in these efforts then St. James and the wider community by far can improve our quality of life and at the same time elevate St James' reputation as a City that not only does it not sleep but is also the entertainment Capital of Trinidad and Tobago.

Friday, October 8, 2010


St. James Congratulates Local Government Winners: Mr. Balliram Ramsuchit (COP) for St. James East and Mr. Robin Bynoe for St. James West as our new Councillors. In the spirit of good governance St. James Times encourages our councillors to usher in the new reforms/changes of Local Government for the Citizens of St. James! *

* DISCLAIMER: Due to misinformation, the prior statement naming Mr. Wendell Stephens (PNM) for St. Jmaes West as new Councillor was invalid. Please accept our apologies as we wish to only provide accurate information to our readers.

We Living With Doubts - Merlin Mannette

Inspirations By Merlin Mannette
“We Living with Doubts”

We Living a lie, and I wonder why
Sometimes, sometimes I does cry, oh me, oh my –
We talk about unity, about integrity
About transparency, which I don’t see
We aspire to achieve, what we don’t really believe
Actions speak louder than words, we have all heard –
Yet I see segregation, I see discrimination
Too much separation and increased desperation
These things we could live without, but
We Living in and Living with Doubts—
© 2010

Lords of the Rings

Saturday 25th September 2010 the Lords of the Rings held their annual Awards Distribution and Family Evening at their ‘usual’ spot the corners of Western Main Rd. and Nepaul Street. St James Times arrived in time to hear the St James Tripolians begin their selections. We (St James Times) sought out the Organizers to see if we could have an idea as to the work behind the scenes. The day began with the preparations of the ‘venue’, ensuring that food and entertainment was secure, coordinating of logistics and finally presenting the show.

With a motivated crowd and Tripolians doing what they do best, play sweet music, the evening flowed as planned. Tripolians completed their set and waiting in the wings was Freedom Steel a favorite to the crowd and also a St James Steelband.

Master of Ceremonies Bob Gittens jr. called those in attendance to center stage and made the announcement that the Evenings main attraction was about to begin. The presentation of ‘tokens’ to the years’ awardees and the criteria by which they are given were explained. Awardees were evaluated on their relationship with their peers and the most important quality of all is a member’s ability to contribute to the ‘spirit’ of the Lords of the Rings.

The distribution of gifts to awardees was the final formal part of the evenings programme. With a pictorial record undertaken by Bro. Erin Fulami of the past and present awardees Freedom Steel with astute appropriateness ushered in the final portion of the evening. A mini jump up followed as in keeping with the character of the’ Lords’ in true Carnival Style.

The rains came but Freedom Steel played on and the people partied because this was their time. The end came on a high note as it had begun and the character and dedication of the Lords of the Rings has been preserved. St James Times wishes the’ Lords of the Rings’ an unbroken chain of success as they continue to keep the ‘colour ‘in St James.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Future Leaders - Merlin Mannette

Inspirations by Merlin Mannette

“As”- Adults we often speak of children being
the future leaders, that is in every aspect of Life, yet,
adults tend to have children see and believe
that their, adults, Concept/Perspective of Life is it:-
and seem reluctant to acknowledge that the adults
are living in the past and present
but children live in the present and in the future.
© 2010

The Price of Living

In the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl,” Capt. Jack Sparrow was asked do you fear death? We at St. James Times believe that if you ask most anyone at this present time that question the answer would be “yes”. The answer is yes, not for the fact that death is the cessation of the life we know but “yes” because of most of us face enormous expenses at the ‘End Stage’ of our remaining time on the Earth.

Dying in Trinidad and Tobago especially of, the Aged, is an arduous undertaking and has deleterious effects on the families involved. From observations and personal accounts of citizens there is a view that medical care is extended not in keeping with the ‘Hippocratic Oath’ but with the dictates of economic conscience.

Exploitation of shortcomings in the State Health Care System by some Medical Practitioners is the number one complaint of those who have encountered problems accessing family or personal attention at Central Hospitals/ Health Centers. To be forwarded to private institutions, which in some cases are partial or wholly connected to the referring Physician(s), is the norm. Payments for Services at Private institutions are negotiated beforehand irrespective of the sentiments of family and friends, and this is notwithstanding the fact that even after attention and treatment the outcome can be a negative one.

The care of the sick and dying is not and should not be an occasion that enters into the realm of ‘Stock Market Trading’ Medical Care should not be bargained as a stock commodity. Is no one paying attention to this trend? Society has to awaken its ‘collective conscience’ to the fact that our vulnerable citizens are not given respect as tax payers and have a right to receive fair medical attention.

There is a ‘new’ wind blowing and it has the promise of change, those who advocate for the vulnerable in society can call attention to “Excessive” Private Institutions whose activities do not transpose to “Patient Friendly Care,” updating and enabling state institutions to perform as per their requirements and removing the ‘Proxy’ Syndrome from medical care.

Living and Dying, are we paying attention, to the trends that develop as we progress to mature nationhood. We all feel, the ‘Passing’ of someone of interest to us and we know that death is inevitable to us all. However, there are instances where preservation of life through the medical ‘Matrix’ needs not be as trying to those who are in need especially when all that is required is small doses of ‘empathy’.

This is the first in an ongoing look at some of the issues of Medical Care that affects all citizens who engage the services of the State and Private Institutions.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Official Results for MANGEN's 2k10 J'Ouvert Jam

  1. Costumed / T-Shirt Band: Chris Humphrey "Tribute to Super Blue"
  2. Steel Band: Musical Gems "Michael Jackson's 'Ben'"
  3. Individuals: Roland Bath "Oh $*&# !"