Saturday 25th September 2010 the Lords of the Rings held their annual Awards Distribution and Family Evening at their ‘usual’ spot the corners of Western Main Rd. and Nepaul Street. St James Times arrived in time to hear the St James Tripolians begin their selections. We (St James Times) sought out the Organizers to see if we could have an idea as to the work behind the scenes. The day began with the preparations of the ‘venue’, ensuring that food and entertainment was secure, coordinating of logistics and finally presenting the show.
With a motivated crowd and Tripolians doing what they do best, play sweet music, the evening flowed as planned. Tripolians completed their set and waiting in the wings was Freedom Steel a favorite to the crowd and also a St James Steelband.
Master of Ceremonies Bob Gittens jr. called those in attendance to center stage and made the announcement that the Evenings main attraction was about to begin. The presentation of ‘tokens’ to the years’ awardees and the criteria by which they are given were explained. Awardees were evaluated on their relationship with their peers and the most important quality of all is a member’s ability to contribute to the ‘spirit’ of the Lords of the Rings.
The distribution of gifts to awardees was the final formal part of the evenings programme. With a pictorial record undertaken by Bro. Erin Fulami of the past and present awardees Freedom Steel with astute appropriateness ushered in the final portion of the evening. A mini jump up followed as in keeping with the character of the’ Lords’ in true Carnival Style.
The rains came but Freedom Steel played on and the people partied because this was their time. The end came on a high note as it had begun and the character and dedication of the Lords of the Rings has been preserved. St James Times wishes the’ Lords of the Rings’ an unbroken chain of success as they continue to keep the ‘colour ‘in St James.