Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tripolians...40 Years & Counting...

Tripolians 1971 - 2011: 40 Years & Counting...

The St. James Tripolians celebrated 40 years as a single pan band. They recently celebrated their BBQ & Family day at their panside. There was a good showing at the BBQ despite the rain. The rain however did not deter the merriment.

The evening was brought to an end by Sapophonics, a panside from Carenage. They played "ol time tunes" and brought the day that started with rain to a positive end, all mindful of the 11 o'clock curfew.

The BBQ was all under the supervision of Mr. Keith Simpson. Who ensured that things went smoothly.

Congratulations to Mr. Keith Simpson and Tripolians for engineering a successful BBQ and Family Day.