Monday, September 10, 2012

It's WeBeat Time Again!

It's WeBeat Time Again!
Celebrating 50 Years of RED, WHITE and BLACK!

WeBeat will be again, plagued with funding problems....going on for 10 years it seems that each year presents a challenge for the CIC group. In conversations with the chairman you come to notice that it is taking a toll on his ability to produce this well known event. With that said st james times is in total support of CIC making this years event a memorable one. As we celebrate 50 years of independence st james times looks forward to the spirit of independence infusing its energies into the WeBeat festival so at some point in time WeBeat will celebrate 50 years. St james times looks forward to an outstanding week of festivities in the st james area. Visitors, well wishers and participants can look forward to a welcoming environment, local cuisine and exciting night life in a safe and secure environment.

To All Enjoy!